Blog for Healthy Living

Using Mobile and Desktop versions of HEALTHandMED app for Windows 10 and Android Not long ago, we released our apps for Amazon and Android as well as the updated app for Windows 10. Today, were going to give you some tips on how to use both apps and the unique features found in each version.

Way back in February, we released our health webapp for Windows 10 which put some of the best functionality of our website at customers’ fingertips. Today, we’re following up with a major update with Version 2.0, now available in the Windows Store! Developed by Josh Robert Nay (also the developer of our Well Prepared app),
How to Program User Settings Into GForce Dual Motor Power Vibe Plate Machine Now that you’ve purchased a Whole Body Vibration Machine it’s always good to know how to program it. While every single machine we ship comes with instructions, we understand that instructions themselves can get lost easily. That’s why we’ve decided to help

Who Shouldn’t Use Ionic Detox Foot Baths? Ionic Detox foot baths are a great supplement to improving your overall health, but like any medical treatment, they come with their own dos and don’ts. At HEALTHandMED, we get a lot of questions about when someone should and should not use Ionic Detox Foot Baths and we’ve