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Blog for Healthy Living

Cure Stomach Pain Naturally Stomach aches can happen at any time. After eating is the most common time they occur, but they can happen during exercise routines or wt many other times. The cause can be anything from overeating to a stomach infection. Most stomach pains are cases of indigestion or nausea and these can

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It’s all in the Hips We all know that Whole Body Vibration Machines and Saunas can help you burn calories, particularly if you’re immobile and are not able to walk or run. For those of us that are still able to, however, it turns out that walking has more of a profound effect on our

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How Fish Oil can contribute to Your Overall Health Most of the health benefits of fish oil can be attributed to the presence of omega 3 essential fatty acids like Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Other useful essential fatty acids in fish oil include Alpha-linolenic acid or ALA and Gamma-linolenic acid or GLA.

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When to Drink Coffee and What the Pros and Cons Are I drink a lot of coffee (let’s face it, most of us do), especially early in the morning before I head to work. If you’re like me, then apparently we’re not consuming our coffee correctly. If you’re drinking coffee before about 10 in the

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Ionic Foot Detox Case Studies: Is This For Real?

Ionic Foot Detox Machine Benefits are not a Myth No matter what natural health, ballistic medicine, or other “non big pharma” field you venture into, there always seems to be that one nagging question: is this for real? And people are right to ask it. We’re all familiar with health fraud scams and similar occurrences

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IonizeMe Maxx 5 - The Most Powerful 5A / 20V Made in USA Ionic Detox Footbath System GForce Pro - 1500W Dual Motor Whole Body Vibration Exercise Machine SLD (SLIDE) Plant DNA Lozenge Drops by APLGO Relax Portable Far Infrared Tent Sauna (Low EMF) IonizeMe Maxx - Powerful 20V Made in USA Ionic Detox Foot Bath System

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