Blog for Healthy Living

When to use Whole Body Vibration Machines Vibration machines are exercise platforms that oscillate between 30 and 60 times per second. You can exercise your body while sitting, lying or standing on a vibration machine, and your muscles are exposed to multi-directional forces that they must overcome as you workout. Vibration machines can be used

The Ionic Detox Array Difference is in the Quality A question you might ask when you’re browsing our selection of Ionic Detox Arrays is: “What is the difference between the black, white, and purple arrays?” First off, the black array and white array really have no difference except their color. Let’s face it, we all
Digest Naturally with Fiber It’s a well-known fact that fiber helps keep your digestive system running smoothly. Fiber is one of the most important parts of any diet for this reason as well as others. Of course, you can’t just eat fiber and expect it to just magically work for you. According to Joan Salge
Organic Seeds for Healthier Food Storage On our sister site Well Prepared, we’ve talked about keeping food storage in cases of emergencies. It’s very important to keep emergency food storage so that you can be prepared for any emergency. A 2009 review in Archiv Fur Kriminologie reported that humans can survive without food and water