Ionic Foot Detox Case Studies: Is This For Real?

Ionic Foot Detox Machine Benefits are not a Myth
No matter what natural health, ballistic medicine, or other “non big pharma” field you venture into, there always seems to be that one nagging question: is this for real? And people are right to ask it. We’re all familiar with health fraud scams and similar occurrences on the internet. People telling you that something works when there’s no scientific basis for it; you’re just forced to “go with it” and hope for the best.
Here at, we understand because we’ve had a small number of customers call regarding our Ionic Detox Foot spas. That’s why we’ve decided to address this problem in a couple of ways. First, we’ll address the science behind the Ionic Foot Detox system, after which we’ll include some case studies.
READ ALSO: Does Ionic Detox Really Work?
Benefits of Negative Ions
For years researchers have advised consuming more alkaline foods( i.e. vegetables and some fruits with a higher pH), which is beneficial to your overall health and can make you feel lively, healthy, and alert. Negative ions contain an abundant amount of electrons needed to improve the body’s immunity and resistance to illnesses. If you have an acidic pH, (i.e. lower pH) balance of the body, on the other hand, it is likely that you`ll feel weak and you’ll be more susceptible to sickness. This type of issue can be prevented by an influx of negative electric Ions Acidosis of the blood is the reason negative electric Ions products are becoming a more regular part of the consumers regimen toward better health.
You may have experienced the power of negative ions when you last set foot on the beach or walked beneath a waterfall. While part of the euphoria is simply being around these wondrous settings and away from the normal pressures of home and work, the air circulating in the mountains and the beach is said to contain tens of thousands of negative ions — Much more than the average home or office building, which contain dozens or hundreds, and many register a flat zero.
Ionic Detox Case Studies
A study was recently sponsored by AMD on a sample of 12 adults suffering various chronic illnesses, during the period of July 27-28, 2004, in the city of Torren, Coahuila, Mexico. In this study, another electronic purification system was used on 12 adults suffering from various ailments (3 male and 9 female) from the Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico, metropolitan area. The age per person was: STDV 52.016.0 mg/dL with (range: 36-68 years). Urea: STDV 14.939.47 mg/dL. (5.46-24.4 mg/dL). Creatinine: STDV 0.0500.029 mg/dL. (0.021-0.079 mg/dL). Glucose: STDV 5.18 1.54 mg/dL. (3.64-6.72 mg/dL.). Diagnosis: Rheumatoid Arthritis (2). Diabetes Mellitus (2) Pharmacodependency and Infection Urinary System (1) Landry-Guillain-Barr syndrome (1) Chronic Fatigue Stress) (1) Obesity Pilonidal cyst (1) Passive smoker and Chronic Stress (1) Obesity and Migraine (1) Bathwater color: Yellow Brown (3), Dark Brown (4), Dark Green (4), Green Brown (1).
According to the study, the 30-minute use of the electronic cleansing device “did not provoke significant adverse reactions” even as some patients underwent the treatment, though a few patients that were taking medications for specific maladies experienced slight cramping in the feet. One patient diagnosed with Landry-Guillain-Barr syndrome and who had recently suffered a urinary tract infection, and was at the time responding well to antibiotics, reported moderate painful sensations in the neck, right lower limb and both tibia areas, which faded out after 20 minutes. No other symptoms were reported either during or after the procedure, with most patients reporting a feeling of well-being.
READ ALSO: Why Detoxify With an Ionic Foot Bath?
The study revealed the presence of urea, glucose and creatinine molecules in the bathwater after the ionic spa was used, probably reflecting osmotic diffusion through the skin by co-transporters coupling the transport of cations (Na +or H+) or substrates (sugars, amino acids, and ions). From the clinical perspective, no severe adverse reactions were observed. During the procedure, some patients experienced paresthesias, which rapidly faded out. Although the sample size was small, the findings support the presence of non-ionic plasmatic molecules, probably crossing the biological membranes and presumably extracting ionized toxic waste.
A doctor’s study (PDF) done in 2002 also found an increase in toxic metals in the foot spa water after the Ionic Detox session compared to the water before the session:
By this, we can conclude that the Ionic Detox sessions do, in fact, work to reduce toxic metals in the body as the metals have left the body and are now present in the water.
Finally, a recent study by Aqua Detox International, Ltd. yielded the following results for Heart Rate Variability using the Health Express algorithm adaptability scale:
Of course, these are just a few studies that have been done on the foot spas, and there is quite a bit more information available on the subject being made available every day. If you’d like access to some of these case studies, please let us know by email:
In conclusion, at, we take the concerns of our customers seriously and strive to provide accurate information regarding our products, including the best ionic foot detox machine. We believe that the science behind the Ionic Foot Detox system and the case studies we've provided will help alleviate any doubts and provide confidence in the effectiveness of our foot detox machines.