Ionic Detox 2009 Survey of Benefits

In a January 2009 survey, 126 ionic foot detox bath customers were asked what specific health benefits they or their clients received from using ionic foot detox bath systems.
Their answers are summarized below
1. Pain Relief (42)
- Less joint stiffness (11)
- Headaches reduced (9)
- Headaches (7)
- Migraine eliminated
- Sinus problems relieved
- Decrease in knee pain (5)
- Less foot pain (4)
- Decreased muscle pain (3)
- Shoulder (2)
- Shoulder soreness and tightness relieved
- Shoulder pain (arthritis and bone spur) relieved
- Less leg pain (2)
- Arthritis pain relieved (2)
- Wrist joint pain relieved
- Lower back pain relieved
- Pulled muscle pain decreased
- Less pain from degenerative disc disease
2. Increased Energy (29)
- Increased energy (28)
- “Sluggish” feeling disappeared
3. Improved Sleep (23)
- Sleep quality improved (22)
- Insomnia reduced
4. Improved Digestion (10)
- Improved digestion (2)
- Lighter, less bloated feeling (2)
- Flatulence reduced (2)
- Stimulated elimination
- Improved colon efficiency
- Constipation relieved
- Acidity and heartburn reduced
5. Toxin Reduction (9)
6. Decreased Swelling (9)
- Swelling in legs decreased (2)
- Swelling in legs decreased
- Leg edema reduced
- Eye pressure (2)
- Lowered the pressure in my eyes to avoid surgery
- Puffiness under eyes reduced
- Feet and Hands
- Swelling in feet decreased
- Swelling in hands decreased
- Swelling in ankles decreased
- Nail inflammations heal better and faster
- Water retention reduced
7. Circulatory (9)
- Circulation in feet and legs improved (2)
- Blood clots passed (2)
- Lowered blood pressure (from too high)
8. Reduced Weight (8)
- Metabolism increased (2)
- Reduced carbohydrate food cravings
9. Skin (7)
- Skin suppleness improved
- Complexion improved remarkably
- Skin condition improved
- Calluses and corns reduced
- Eczema relieved
- Body odor disappeared
- Cleared up Athlete’s Foot
10. Emotional (5)
- Improvement in attitude
- Mood improved
- Alleviation of depression
- Feeling of less stress
- Better outlook on life
Respiratory (3)
- Shortened time and reduced severity of respiratory illnesses (2)
- Allergy symptoms relieved
Sensory Improvement (3)
- Vision improved (2)
- Sense of smell improved
Immune System (2)
- Immune system improved
- Infections cleared up
Diabetes (2)
- Sugar level dropped
- Improvement of blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes
Reduced Yeast (2)
- Excess yeast reduced
- Treatment for Candida
Other (5)
- Feeling of rejuvenation
- pH level increased – less acidic
- Bone problems lessened
- Swollen lymph nodes relieved
- Increased mental clarity
As you can see, there’s a huge range of potential benefits to using detox foot spas, and a large majority of individuals who use an ionic foot detox bath see immediate results. Try one of our great detox foot spas today with our no-risk 14-day refund policy and see for yourself.
Investing in the best ionic foot detox machine can have a significant impact on your overall health and wellbeing, and with our selection of top-quality machines, you can rest assured that you are making a great investment in yourself.