IonizeMe Maxx passes FCC Conducted and Radiated Emissions Tests

At HEALTHandMED, we're committed to building the best, most powerful, and most effective natural health products you can buy. These go alongside another long-time commitment we have made for all of our customers: safety.
The IonizeMe Maxx ionic foot detox machine has been built from the ground up to conform to FCC regulations for electromagnetic emissions, and we include GFCI power supplies with each machine to further our attempts to make each machine as safe and compliant as possible.
We are proud to announce that the IonizeMe Maxx has passed the FCC conductive emission and radiated emission tests!
These results confirm that the IonizeMe Maxx is fully compliant with Part 15 of the FCC rules, which states that operation of the device is subject to the following two conditions:
- This device may not cause harmful interference
- This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.