Ionic Foot Detox and Yeast Infections

Can and Ionic Foot Detox Help with Your Yeast Infection?
Doctor Terrance Cooper has given over 1800 Ionic Foot Detox Foot Baths during his time in practice. Here is a short story of one of his patients.
"I had a woman with a severe yeast infection come for treatment, when the detox session started there appeared a white color on top of the water that looked like frosty snow. It remained there for about 10 minutes and then slowly changed to another color. After 4 detox sessions her severe yeast infection was brought under control."
What Does this Mean for You?
Yes, Ionic Foot Detox like that from the IonizeMe Maxx Go does help those with yeast infections. It also appears to represent itself in the water as a white frosty snow on top of the water.
If you are looking for a safe and effective way to address your yeast infection using a foot detox machine, consider trying the IonizeMe Maxx, the best ionic foot detox machine on the market, and experience the potential benefits for yourself.