Ionic Foot Detox and Acne

Ionic Foot Detox and Acne - HEALTHandMED

Can Ionic Foot Detox Help Clear up Acne?

Doctor Terrance Cooper has been performing Ionic Foot Detoxification Sessions for his clients.  In fact, he has performed over 1800 of them.  He has quite a lot of stories of how Ionic Foot Detox can help.

Ionic Foot Detox and Acne

In the mid 2000s, we had a granddaughter who wanted to enter a Utah beauty contest. However, she had acne on her face. It wasn't that bad, but it would definitely hinder her chances. She was a beautiful girl and wanted very much to enter.

My son asked what I thought about her using my Ion Detox machine. I felt if she used it faithfully it would make a difference. My granddaughter used it for three times a week and then twice a week and then once a week. I think she used it for over two months.

The Results

Upon her completion of using the machine, her acne was totally gone and with no scars. She went on to enter the beauty contest. To this day, her facial skin is so clear and it reminds me of porcelain skin, it is so beautiful.

In conclusion, investing in a high-quality foot detox machine like the IonizeMe Classic or the IonizeMe Touch can provide numerous benefits to your overall health and well-being, making them the best ionic foot detox machines on the market today.

Ionic Foot Detox just like the IonizeMe Touch can definitely help improve the condition of your skin. 
Get your own Ionic Detox Foot Bath and have cleaner and clearer skin today!