Whole Body Vibration Machine Research of Benefits

Whole Body Vibration exercise machines provide a wide range of health benefits when they are used consistently. These benefits are both minor and major and can set and keep you on the path to healthy living. At HEALTHandMED, we believe in the value that Whole Body Vibration provides, but don’t just take our word for it.
Listed below, you can find all of the research you need to make a sound decision to get your own Whole Body Vibration machine or use the one you own more frequently. Click on each tab to view more information about how WBV machines can help against each ailment.
“This study concluded that WBV therapy can improve functional ability and fatigue levels and can also help to preserve bone strength in the hip in females with RA.”
“Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis with Whole Body Vibration Therapy.”
“What a vibration trainer does is improve the patient’s blood circulation and increase the effectiveness of the lymphatic drainage system, which removes harmful toxins from the body. This will by no means cure rheumatoid arthritis, but it has been known to reduce joint pain and inflammation. Osteoarthritis can be caused by a number of factors, and if caused by calcium deposits, the condition may improve owing to increased blood flow and lymph activity, which can facilitate the re-absorption of the calcium.”
“Medical Conditions That Can Benefit From a Vibration Trainer | M.”
“Short training sessions using controlled whole body vibration 3 times a week for 6 weeks improved gait, body balance, motor capacity, and self-reported QOL in elderly nursing home residents”
“Based on this review, WBV has proven to have more beneficial effects on balance, stability and gait, strength, and physical and physiological properties as compared with conventional treatment”
“In the present study, the whole-body vibration exercise had positive effects on isokinetic muscular strength, and balance ability.”
Bone Density
“A direct positive effect of WBV on calcium metabolism and bone mineral density (BMD) has been clearly demonstrated. Rubin et al. carried on a RCT comparing the effects of low intensity vibration (LIV) (10 minutes twice a day) with those of an inactive placebo plate in a group of postmenopausal women. A decrease of 2% BMD was observed in the control group, whereas a 2.17% relative BMD increase was reported in the study group.”
Cerciello et al., “Clinical Applications of Vibration Therapy in Orthopaedic Practice.”
“In conclusion, the current work found a resistive vibration exercise countermeasure impeded loss of bone and muscle during 8 weeks of bed rest.”
“This study found that 6 months of high-frequency and high-magnitude WBV yielded significant benefits to the BMD of the lumbar spine in postmenopausal women, and could therefore be provided as an alternative exercise.”
“The results indicate graded whole-body vibration exposure may be effective in improving BMD by increasing bone deposition while also decreasing bone resorption. Whole-body vibration may also provide an efficient stratagem for young women to achieve peak bone mass and help stave off osteoporosis later in life and provide a novel form of physical training.”
In these articles, “SBF” refers to “Skin Blood Flow”
“that short duration vibration alone significantly increases SBF; doubling mean SBF for a minimum of 10 minutes following intervention. The emerging therapeutic modality of WBV as a passive intervention appears to increase SBF in individuals with healthy microcirculation.”
“Five minutes of 30 Hz or 50 Hz vibration produced significant increases in SBF.”
“These findings demonstrate that patients with diabetes respond to WBV with increased SBF compared to the sham condition. The implication is that WBV is a potential nonpharmacological therapy for neurovascular complications of diabetes.”
Johnson et al., “Effect of Whole Body Vibration on Skin Blood Flow and Nitric Oxide Production.”
“As a standalone community-based intervention, WBV was an efficacious mode of exercise training for people with stable COPD that did not negatively effect exercise tolerance or exacerbate the disease, while concurrently improving functional performance of the lower limbs.”
Furness et al., “Benefits of Whole-Body Vibration to People with COPD.”
“Whole body vibration exercise in hospitalised COPD patients did not exhibit adverse events and induced clinically significant benefits regarding exercise capacity and health-related quality of life.”
“The present paper shows, as a pilot study, that vibration exercise may be an effective measure to improve glycemic control in non insulin dependent diabetes type 2 patients.”
“While it has been proven that WBV training is good for type 2 diabetic patients as it effectively increases blood flow, decreases the weight and waist circumference and reduce the percentage of fat, it is important to check with your doctor before performing the training.”
Pilates, lifestyle, and Growth, “Whole-Body Vibration Exercise Can Combat Diabetes – Pilates & Yoga Fitness.”
Elderly Quality of Life
“Short training sessions using controlled whole body vibration 3 times a week for 6 weeks improved gait, body balance, motor capacity, and self-reported QOL in elderly nursing home residents”
In talking about Elderly use of Whole Body Vibration, “Based on this review, WBV has proven to have more beneficial effects on balance, stability and gait, strength, and physical and physiological properties as compared with conventional treatment (resistance training and physiotherapy)”
“An 8-week WBV-based intervention in a nursing home setting is effective in reducing fall risk factors and quality of life in nursing home residents aged 80+.”
Álvarez-Barbosa et al., “Effects of Supervised Whole Body Vibration Exercise on Fall Risk Factors, Functional Dependence and Health-Related Quality of Life in Nursing Home Residents Aged 80+.”
“In a study performed by researchers at Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis and presented in May, 2014, at a meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, whole-body vibration exercises were found to reduce painful symptoms and improve quality of life in fibromyalgia patients.”
S, ers, and Writer, “Whole-Body Vibration Exercises Help Fibromyalgia Patients.”
“Results suggest that a 6-week traditional exercise program with supplementary WBV safely reduces pain and fatigue, whereas exercise alone fails to induce improvements.”
“Stretching during WBV improves flexibility more than static stretching alone and at a faster rate.”
Epperson, “The Effects of Whole Body Vibration Platform Training on Hamstring Flexibility.”
“Whole-body vibration is a suitable training method to improve knee extension maximal strength, counter-movement jump, and flexibility in a young female athlete”
“The current study shows that individualized whole-body vibration without superimposing other exercises is an effective method of acutely increasing lower back and hamstring flexibility”
Gait & Motor Capacity
“Short training sessions using controlled whole body vibration 3 times a week for 6 weeks improved gait, body balance, motor capacity, and self-reported QOL in elderly nursing home residents.”
“Based on this review, WBV has proven to have more beneficial effects on balance, stability and gait, strength, and physical and physiological properties as compared with conventional treatment (resistance training and physiotherapy)”
High Blood Pressure
“Whole Body Vibration substantially improves exercise capacity, physical performance, and Health-Related Quality of Life in patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension who are on stable targeted therapy. This methodology may be utilised in structured training programmes, and may be feasible for continuous long-term physical exercise in these patients.”
“Arturo Figueroa, M.D., PhD, an associate professor at Florida State University, published the finding in the most recent issue of Journal of Human Hypertension that suggests the machines could reduce the chances of stroke and heart attack. Vibration also improves oxygenation to the body’s tissue and boosts blood flow. In 2011, vibration exercises were shown by Figueroa and his team to decrease arterial stiffness that can lead to “hardening of the arteries” that is atherosclerosis.Women in the newest study either had high blood pressure or what is known as “prehypertension” – blood pressure that is higher than normal but has not yet reached parameters requiring treatment. When blood pressure increases more strain is put on the heart. Lack of elasticity in the blood vessels obstructs blood flow and can lead to clot formation and stroke from high blood pressure. If you’re looking for a natural way to lower your blood pressure check out your local gym or consider purchasing a vibration plate exercise machine.”
“Vibration Exercises: A New and Natural Way to Lower Your Blood Pressure | EmaxHealth.”
Lymphatic Drainage
“WBV Machines reduces lymph edema by improving circulation to the lymphatic system, thereby helping remove waste and bacteria from the system more effectively than passive range of motion or electrical muscle stimulation.”
“Benefits of Whole Body Vibration Machines.”
“The benefits of vibration exercise, particularly to the lymphatic system, have been enjoyed by people from several cultures over thousands of years.”
Malinsky, “Vibration Exercise Machines Improve Your Lymphatic Health.”
Muscle Soreness
“The present paper shows, as a pilot study, that vibration exercise may be an effective measure to improve glycemic control in non insulin dependent diabetes type 2 patients.”
“While it has been proven that WBV training is good for type 2 diabetic patients as it effectively increases blood flow, decreases the weight and waist circumference and reduce the percentage of fat, it is important to check with your doctor before performing the training.”
Parkinson’s Disease
“it seems that the elderly benefit to a higher degree from WBV training, as well as patients with Parkinson’s disease and postmenopausal women”
“The results of the RTC’s reviewed that Whole Body Vibration therapy does positively affect the motor skills of those who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.”
Restless Leg Syndrome
“A 2-week treatment with WBV decreases symptoms associated with RLS/WED as measured by the IRLS and RLS-6 questionnaires…”
“Just before going to bed, for discomfort in your calves lie on the floor face-up with your calves up on the platform or for upper leg discomfort sit on the platform facing outwards with legs spread wide, for 5-10 minutes. Set a speed which is relaxing. For most people that’s right in the middle of the speed range. Then crawl into bed for a restful sleep. If you should wake up with uneasy legs in the middle of the night, repeat the above and go right back to sleep!”
“Whole Body Vibration Therapy and Treatment.”
Skin & Cellulite
“We tend to focus on the cardiovascular benefits of physical activity, and those are important. But anything that promotes healthy circulation also helps keep your skin healthy and vibrant,” says dermatologist Ellen Marmur, MD, author of Simple Skin Beauty: Every Woman’s Guide to a Lifetime of Healthy, Gorgeous Skin and associate professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine.”
Jaret, “Exercise for Healthy Skin.”
“Exercise actually supports the production of collagen,” says Amy Dixon, a Los Angeles–based exercise physiologist and celebrity trainer. “The boost in this protein helps to keep your skin firm, supple, and elastic.”
“The Beauty Benefits of Exercise.”
“Probably the best cure for cellulite is exercise. Toning exercises such as lunges and squats help tone the muscles and reduce fat on the body. Ballet-inspired workouts using a barre are excellent for toning and lengthening the muscles. Keep a healthy body weight, too: Yo-yo dieting can loosen the skin and make you prone to cellulite.”
Sutton, “Say Goodbye to Cellulite.”
“WBV shows beneficial effects on proxies of muscle strength in older adults, mainly in elderly with lower initial levels of functioning, suggesting that WBV can be used as a skilling-up exercise in participants.”
Rogan et al., “Effects of Whole-Body Vibration on Proxies of Muscle Strength in Old Adults.”
“It can be concluded that implementation of 6-week WBV training in routine practice in volleyball and beach volleyball players increases leg strength more and leads to greater improvement in jump performance than traditional strength training, but greater improvements can be expected in beach volleyball players than in volleyball players.”
“This study shows that a combination of WBV and power exercise could impact neural adaptation and leads to greater fast force capacity than power exercise alone in male players.”
“The results of the present study suggest that a cable-pulley resistance system on a vibration platform channels the vibration safely from the platform to the arms and induces additional muscle activation in some arm muscles when biceps curl exercises are performed.”
Tankisheva et al., “Vibration Training for Upper Body.”
“Bosco et al. reported that acute bouts of WBV (10 one-minute bouts, 26 Hz, one-minute rest) significantly decreased cortisol concentrations compared to baseline”
“While it is vital to health for the adrenals to secret more cortisol in response to stress, it is also very important that bodily functions and cortisol levels return to normal following a stressful event. Unfortunately, in our current high-stress culture, the stress response is activated so often that the body does not always have a chance to return to normal.”
“Cortisol and Adrenal Function | Dr. James Wilson’s AdrenalFatigue.org."
Warm Up
“It was hypothesized that there would be a significant increase in vertical jump height following warming up on the VibePiate versus the other warm-up modalities. This hypothesis was supported in regard to the 15 and 20 minute time points. Vertical jump height was significantly higher following exposure to WBV versus the other warm up modalities with the exception of the immediate time point, at which there were no significant differences between WBV and the treadmill. This suggests that for an athlete competing in any type of sport that would require explosive vertical jumps, warming up with WBV would be most beneficial. This is especially true for non-starter athletes who may sit on a bench for extended periods of time before playing.”
McKee, “Acute Effects of Whole Body Vibration and Vertical Jump Height.”
“Based on the findings of this study, it is reasonable to conclude that VbX alone may be used as an alternative warm-up modality for maximal sprint performance over 40 m and multiple sprint performances over 40 m.”
Moddie et al., “Efficacy of Vibration Exercise as a Warm-up Modality for Overground Sprinting.”
Weight Loss
” Our preliminary findings suggest that WBVT may be both a feasible and effective method for preventing weight gain among inactive undergraduate students.”
“Our study is the first to show that whole-body vibration may be just as effective as exercise at combatting some of the negative consequences of obesity and diabetes.”
Newman, “Can Whole-Body Vibration Stave off Obesity and Diabetes?”
“Overall, the vibration plate group lost the highest percentage of weight with an average loss of 11% of their body weight in the first six months and maintained a 10.5% loss after a year compared to a 7% initial body weight loss in the diet and conventional exercise group, which maintained a 6.9% loss.”