Benefits of Ozone

What is Activated Oxygen?
Activated Oxygen (O3) is the triatomic form of oxygen (O2). It is oxygen in its most active stateand is an extremely potent oxidant that has been shown to possess broad spectrumantimicrobial activity. Activated Oxygen (O3) is not just another disinfectant but rather a truesterilant. It has the ability to completely destroy not only bacteria, but also viruses, spores,fungus, mold, mildew, parasites, and many other contaminants while at the same time breakingdown dissolved organic materials by oxidation on a molecular level leaving oxygen as it’s onlyby-product! Activated Oxygen (O3) is produced daily by nature from lightning storms, sunshine,rain showers, ocean waves and waterfalls to naturally clean the Earth’s air supply andenvironment. Without Activated Oxygen (O3) we would likely all die of putrefication from theplanet’s pollutants, waste, germs, bacteria, molds, viruses, fungi, etc.
Is Activated Oxygen safe?
Activated Oxygen (O3) has been used in Europe for nearly 100 years to sanitize meat and dairyproduce, glass jars for baby food, and is already being used commercially in the US to disinfectdrinking water in over 250 municipalities, hospitals, kitchens, gyms, hot tubs, swimming pools,facial steamers, and the list goes on. On June 26, 2001 the FDA approved activated oxygen foruse in direct contact with food to kill food borne pathogens and is the most effective oxidizinganti-microbial agent known! It kills E-coli 3,125 times faster than chlorine, and it converts intoordinary oxygen in the process, leaving no chemical residuals behind. Activated Oxygenreacts with organic and inorganic substances neutralizing ammonia, ethylene and pesticides,thus enhancing the taste of food. There are no toxic by-products or health hazards whenproperly used as a micro biocide. The FDA and EPA certify activated oxygen (O3) as able todestroy 99.99% of pathogenic germs whilst destroying 99.99% pollutants simultaneously. This machine has an Activated Oxygen output of only .01 – .03ppm – well below the FDA, EPA OSHA and NIOSH limit standards and well below the output of a lightning storm.
How Does Activated Oxygen Work to Kill Pathogens?
All molecular chains are made up with double carbon bonds that hold the atoms together.Activated Oxygen is a highly energetic oxidant and it seeks out those carbon bonds and literallydisassembles microorganisms. Activated Oxygen is an environmentally friendly alternative toother oxidation agents such as chlorine, because it produces no harmful by-products such aschloroform, and leaves no strong residual odors. Activated Oxygen will immediately startattaching itself to pollutants, odors and microorganisms, destroying them in the process leavingbehind no toxic residues or pollutants.
What pollutants are removed by Ozone?
- All odor and fumes
- Germs
- Viruses
- Mildew
- Bacteria (including Staphylococcus & E-Coli)
- Cigarette Smoke
- Algae
- Formaldehyde
- Exhaust Fumes
- Carbon Monoxide
- Tetrachloride
- Dust Mites/ Insect Feces
- Nicotine
- Acrylic
- Chemicals/ Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
- Gases
- Benzene
- Ammonia
- Mold/Mold Spores
- Fertilizer Chemicals
- Oils
- Resins
- Carbolic Acid
- Propane
- Ether Alcohol
- Industrial Waste
- Pet Dander
- Microorganisms
- Dust/Pollen
What the Experts are Saying
“The trouble is that one soon gets used to bad air, and bad odors are not apt to be noticed after awhile; but the fact remains that pure air is more wholesome than contaminated air. In our regular daily life, it is almost an impossibility to provide for fresh air. No amount of ventilation, not even an unbearable draft, will be capable of keeping a room or a place in good condition, unless one takes recourse in ventilating with ozonized air. Removal of bad odors by means of air flushing is an absolute impossibility, and yet they should be removed. That is where ozone comes in. The method of purifying the air by ozone has the advantage of being fully reliable, very efficient and inexpensive.”
Authority: A. Vosmaer, Ph.D.,
London, England Electrical and Chemical Engineer In
“Ozone, its Manufacture, Properties and Uses”
“Ozone destroys virtually all odors that are present. It does not merely mask them. The destruction of odors is impossible when air is circulated only, or when oxygen is used. This fact has been proven in cold storage warehouses, where all kinds and any food products are stored. Odors are not present regardless how strong they might be, or where they may originate, if only low concentrations of Ozone is used.”
– E. W. Reisbeck. M. E.,
Ozone Research Authority,
In “Air Conditioning and Ozone Facts”
“As a deodorant for odors and stenches of organic origin, ozone has long proven effective and we can only confirm this general opinion.”
– Dr. Philip Drinker,
School of Public Health, Harvard University
“Ozone destroys organic odors. Ozone is a deodorizer of powerful stenches, such as from garbage incineration and fat rendering. When the odors from chimneys cause public nuisance, Ozone has big commercial usefulness.”
– Milton J. Rosenaw, MD,
In “Preventive Medicine and Hygiene”
“The effect of Ozone was thought in the past to be a masking action, but more recently the tendency is to hold that it is purely an oxidizing process. Most odors encountered in ventilation problems result from hydrocarbon compounds suspended in the atmosphere in minute quantities as the result of human or animal respiration and from various organic processes. These hydrocarbons are immediately oxidized upon coming in contact with ozone, the resulting products being water and carbon dioxide, both odorless. This process is effective in completely removing the scent of odors, if the reaction is complete, which requires that the Ozone be in such a manner as to insure its even distribution throughout the air. “
– Editorial In “Heating and Ventilation Magazine”
“…In sales, cooler, fresh and sweet air at times would be a distinct selling advantage. OZONE seems to offer this solution, in the meat packing plant. In fact, it is being widely used in cold storage plants to correct the very situation objectionable in the meat packing plant.”
– In “Refrigeration and Air Conditioning”
“Unpleasant odors are not masked or covered up, but are literally destroyed. The results in an ordinary room are almost immediate. Where clean, fresh air is desirable, this machine has a definite contribution to make to the Medical World.
– George A. Johnstone, MD,
Medical Director of Behrens Memorial Hospital Glendale, California
“When Ozone comes in contact with dead organic matter, oxidation immediately takes place with destruction of the organic matter. In this, it is powerful in removing odors.”
-Dr. J. C. Olson
Is Ozone really effective in killing bacteria in air and water?
Ozone is an extremely effective, safe, and economical method of reducing common household bacteria, fungi, molds, mildew, and viruses. Scientific studies have proven this fact once and for all.
“Ozone owes its fame to its remarkable power of killing bacteria. That is why the world should look upon ozone as a gift to mankind. No matter how much bacteria there may be, direct application of ozone by Nature, or direct application of ozone reproduced in controlled environment will destroy any kind of bacteria, in any amount.”
– A. Vosmaer, Ph.D.
“Experiments with cholera and typhus bacteria are rather awkward to be carried out in a private plant, handling, say a million gallons of water per day, and the firm Siemens and Halske were very fortunate to find the Prussian State officials willing and ready to test the matter. Dr. Ohlmueller and Dr. Prall published results of their finding regarding the action of Ozone on bacteria. The experimental series covered the effect of Ozone on pure water infected with 16,000 cholera, at another time with 30,000 to 40,000 typhus, and another time with 20,000 to 40,000 coli bacteria. The result was absolute sterility after treatment. The next step was to see the result on infected ordinary river water carrying over 4,000 bacteria. After treatment with Ozone, some 5 or 6 were left over and those were harmless.”
– A. Vosmaer, Ph.D.
“Ozone in the air in minute quantity of only 1 part per million retards the growth of bacteria and molds.”
– E. Howlett, ME
“Ozone is a powerful germicidal. Its high germicidal activity is doubtless due to its oxidizing power.”
– E. K. Rideal, Ph.D.
“Ozone generators have been installed in many homes, and that super-oxygen is particularly destructive to all microbes and at the same time it makes inert the dangerous dust with its bacteria laden tenants.”
– W. E. Anghinbaugh, MD
“One part Ozone in 2 million p. solution renders the virus polyomelitis inactive within 2 minutes compared with the double amount of chlorine using 3 hours.”
-D. F. Kessel, MD
Is Ozone Safe?
If ozone was not safe, we would not be able to go outside and breathe the air, especially during sunshine, a thunderstorm, lightning, or after the rain. The fact is, when used responsibly, ozone is very safe just like oxygen and very beneficial to our planet and all of us that live here. To prove this obvious fact, many scientific studies have been done by experts on ozone, and all confirm the safety and beneficial aspects of ozone over and over again.
What Doctors are Saying
“Recent authoritative investigations have established, that pure Ozone is Nontoxic even in concentrations as great as 20 or 50 parts per milliliters of air.”
– Clark Thorp, Ph.D., MD
“Pure Ozone is not poisonous in any sense of the word as is breaks down in contact with the mucous membrane, and only Oxygen remains.”
– A. Hill, MD
“Ozone is absolutely harmless when used correctly. We have demonstrated this over a period of many years in patients of all ages.”
– F. B. Carpenter, MD