Benefits of Acid Water

Alkaline and Acid Water
The water that your ionizing water purifier outputs is ‘split’ into two forms: ‘alkaline’ and ‘acid’.
As has been pointed out elsewhere, the alkalinity and the acidity are more a byproduct of an important change that occurs in these two forms of water.
In the ‘alkaline’ case, it is alkaline because it is loaded with enormous amounts of negatively charged hydroxyl ions.
In the acid water case it is highly oxidative water, and therefore, acidic.
In both cases, however, because there are no ‘buffer’ chemicals such as calcium in the water, they do not behave like lye or, respectively, hydrochloric acid. They will readily dilute on entry to the gastric system.
READ ALSO: Microcluster Test on Chanson Alkaline Water
However, in the case of the acid water, there are other benefits we need to be aware of:
pH 5.5: Face washing, Skin care
- Tone and firm your skin
- Minimize the appearance of pores
Skin Care
By keeping the pH of your skin at its natural slightly acidic level of 5.5, it controls the growth of acne-causing bacteria and helps slow signs of aging like lines, wrinkles and saggy skin. Chanson ionized acidic water acts as an all-natural toner, aftershave and makeup remover and can replace many expensive skin care and anti-acne products in your home. Add some to a small spray bottle to keep in your medicine cabinet. The acidic water should hold its strength for about three months. You may notice firmer skin, fewer lines, and reduced appearance of pores. Also effective against insect bites, burns, poison ivy, and other rashes.
Hair Care
Most shampoos on the market have a much higher pH levels than your scalps natural level, not to mention sulfates and other chemicals which can cause dandruff, imbalance, and decrease your natural shine. Try using Chanson ionized acidic water instead of shampoo or as a final rinse on your hair after each shower to balance its pH level.
pH 5.0: Gardening
- The right acidic setting of water can also improve seeding and germination, and can be used instead of industrial pesticides in farms.
- The ideal pH needed for different plants, vegetables and trees may vary so be sure to research beforehand.
pH 3.0: Household cleaning and washing
- Anti-bacteria for dishes and floor
- Clean glass for high brightness
- Use for pet cleaning to reduce pet odors
- Use for cuts and scraps
External Healing
Use strong pH Chanson ionized acidic water on burns, cuts, and scrapes to speed up the healing process. Also effective against athletes foot, ingrown nails and hairs, acne, minor open wounds, eye and ear infections, dry cracked skin or skin ulcers, and eczema.
Dental Hygiene
Strong Chanson ionized acidic water is an effective disinfectant for your toothbrush, and can replace your costly alcohol-based mouthwash. If you have any minor mouth issues like gum inflammation, cold sores, or a sore throat, trying rinsing with it until symptoms subside. Cats and dogs can also benefit from having their mouths scrubbed with a toothbrush soaked in acidic water.
Pet Care
Try washing your pet with strong Chanson ionized acidic water to reduce pet skin and fur odors and improve the shininess of their coat. You can also spray carpets and fabrics to eliminate pet odors, remove pet stains and sanitize the area.
pH 2.9: Cleaning and Disinfecting
- Sanitize kitchen utensils, countertops, floors
- Cleaning and disfinfecting bathrooms and kitchens
Natural Cleaner & Disinfectant
Chanson strong acidic water is an eco-friendly and hypoallergenic alternative to toxic household cleaners like Lysol and Windex. Chanson ionized acidic water has been 3rd party lab tested and verified to be able to make strong acid water that can disinfect ecoli and staph on contact in 70% of all water sources. It works on tiles, countertops, and glass and is an effective sanitizer for your kitchen utensils, countertops, knives, and cutting boards.