Ten Interesting Facts About The Human Body
With all of the fascinating facts about the human body it was difficult to pick just ten, but here they are… Let us know what you think, or if you know any interesting facts not mentioned here. Human Body Facts: 1. The brain is much more active at night than during the day. Logically, you would think that all the moving around, complicated calculations and tasks and general interaction we do on a daily basis during our working hours would take a lot more brain power than, say, lying in bed. Turns out, the opposite is true. When you turn off your brain turns on. Scientists dont yet know why this is but you can thank the hard work of your brain while you sleep for all those pleasant dreams.
2. There are as many hairs per square inch on your body as a chimpanzee. Humans are not quite the naked apes that were made out to be. We have lots of hair, but on most of us its not obvious as a majority of the hairs are too fine or light to be seen. 3. The aorta is nearly the diameter of a garden hose. The average adult heart is about the size of two fists, making the size of the aorta quite impressive. The artery needs to be so large as it is the main supplier of rich, oxygenated blood to the rest of the body. 4. The average person expels flatulence 14 times each day. Even if youd like to think youre too dignified to pass gas, the reality is that almost everyone will at least a few times a day. Digestion causes the body to release gases which can be painful if trapped in the abdomen and not released. 5. The largest cell in the human body is the female egg and the smallest is the male sperm. While you cant see skin cells or muscle cells, the ovum is typically large enough to be seen with the naked eye with a diameter of about a millimeter. The sperm cell, on the other hand, is tiny, consisting of little more than nucleus. 6. Even small noises cause the pupils of the eyes to dilate. It is believed that this is why surgeons, watchmakers and others who perform delicate manual operations are so bothered by uninvited noise. The sound causes their pupils to change focus and blur their vision, making it harder to do their job well. 7. A babys head is one-quarter of its total length, but by age 25 will only be one-eighth of its total length. As it turns out, our adorably oversized baby heads wont change size as drastically as the rest of our body. The legs and torso will lengthen, but the head wont get much longer. 8. Everyone has a unique smell, except for identical twins. Newborns are able to recognize the smell of their mothers and many of us can pinpoint the smell of our significant others and those we are close to. Part of that smell is determined by genetics, but its also largely do to environment, diet and personal hygiene products that create a unique chemistry for each person. 9. Monday is the day of the week when the risk of heart attack is greatest. Yet another reason to loathe Mondays! A ten year study in Scotland found that 20% more people die of heart attacks on Mondays than any other day of the week. Researchers theorize that its a combination of too much fun over the weekend with the stress of going back to work that causes the increase. 10. The feet account for one quarter of all the human bodys bones. You may not give your feet much thought but they are home to more bones than any other part of your body. How many? Of the two hundred or so bones in the body, the feet contain a whopping 52 of them. More where that came from here.
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