Sleeping Pills Increase Chance of Death By 36 Percent
New research has just been published about the long term health risks associated with the regular use of medications to treat insomnia and anxiety.
These findings were made by Genevive Belleville, a professor at Universit Laval’s School of Psychology have been published in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. The report concludes that consuming pills for anxiety or insomnia is associated with a 36% increase of death. “These medications aren’t candy, and taking them is far from harmless,” said Belleville. Researchers are not yet sure why these medications increase death rates, but because of this research the process of conducting more studies has been set in motion. “Given that cognitive behavioral therapies have shown good results in treating insomnia and anxiety, doctors should systematically discuss such therapies with their patients as an option. Combining a pharmacological approach in the short term with psychological treatment is a promising strategy for reducing anxiety and promoting sleep,” added Belleville. See Canadian Journal of Psychiatry here.
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