Amazing Benefits Of The Lemon Juice Detox Cleanse – Original Recipe

The popularity of the lemon detox juice cleanse is on the rise so we wanted to make sure we cover the subject for our readers.  The Lemon Detox has been proving some great results! The major benefits that are seen by doing the lemon cleanse are as follows:

  1. It’s good for your stomach
  2. Superb for Skin Care
  3. Helps with Dental Care
  4. Cures throat infections
  5. Excellent for weight loss
  6. Helps control high blood pressure
  7. Assist in curing respiratory disorders
  8. Good for treating Rheumatism
  9. Reduces Fevers
  10. Acts as a blood purifier

You can find more detailed information on these benefits here.

The other question our followers have asked us was, “What is the best recipe?” We did some research and found the recipe below to be one of the best. Its research was taken from Stanley Burrough who was said to be the father of this juice detox cleanse. In his book “The Master Cleanser” he explained how through lemon detox cleanses he had patients who healed from long lasting ulcers and other ailments! We feel this recipe is one of the best.

This is the classic single serve recipe provided in Stanley Burrough’s book:

2 (tbs). of lemon or lime

2 (tbs). of genuine maple syrup

1/10 tsp cayenne pepper

10 oz. water (hot or cold as preferred)

For those who cannot enjoy their lemonade, Tom offers this alternative:

1. Mix equal parts of lemon juice and maple syrup as a concentrate in a dark container. Keep this mixture cool.

2. Make enough concentrate for as long as you are incapable of making the fresh lemonade juice.

3. Every time you want a glass of lemonade, measure 4 tbs. of this mixture in a glass.

4. Add water and cayenne pepper, stir and drink. The maple syrup preserves the lemon juice and prevents oxidation of the vitamin C and enzymes.

Learn more about Stanley Burrough and this recipe at

Thanks for reading and please let us know if you have seen other great articles about the Lemon Juice Detox Cleanse!