Induced Labor Increases C-Section Risk
The growing trend in America of inducing labor has long been an issue that stirs controversy. Induced labor is often planned, but in many cases it is a decision made by a concerned doctor who doesn’t think the pregnancy should go on any longer. Whatever the case, new research is showing a direct link between inducing labor and c-sections. Dr. J. Christopher Glantz at the University of Rochester School of Medicine discovered that inducing labor introduces a risk of 1 to 2 cesareans per 25 inductions, which by waiting for spontaneous labor to begin could have been avoided. In a report in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology Dr. Glantz emphasized that while c-section procedures have become more common, C-sections are still major surgeries which carry serious risk of infection, blood clots, bleeding, and injury to other organs. Dr. Glantz recommends that pregnant women wait for spontaneous labor, emphasizing that they may be better off doing so. “Try to reserve interventions for situations where risk outweighs benefit,” said Glantz, such as in cases of diabetes, a baby that is not growing well, high blood pressure, problems with the placenta, or a woman being 10 days past her due date.
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