How Mark Dropped His Body Fat to 7%: Part II

Last week, I shared how in a period of six months, I was able to drop my body fat from 10.1% to 7.3% as measured by the Bod Pod machine at Southern Utah University.

My first secret about how I accomplished this was using the Athletes Pak, consisting of nutritional supplements specifically designed to boost metabolism and encourage the development of lean muscle along with exercising three times per week for 30 minutes.

Although these nutritional supplements are indeed amazing, there is something else which is even more important to losing weight and gaining muscle. It is drinking ionized alkaline water. That is my Secret #2 I have been drinking 10 glasses of Chanson water with a pH of 9.5 daily.

Why is alkaline water so important? The problem is LACTIC ACID. This is acid is generated by the process of exercise, and the body must buffer and remove this acid in order to recover and progress. In order to burn fat, or build muscle or endurance, you must be able to buffer lactic acid. Yet all of the conventional supplements on the U.S.A. market have very little or not effect on lactic acid and may make the body even more acidic. In fact, 98% of bottled waters and sports drinks on the market are highly acidic! Please understand this: when you flood your body with LACTIC ACID through exercise and then drink acidic liquids and supplements you are in essence stunting your growth and cutting your progress down dramatically!

The solution is HEALING WATER. Alkaline Ionized Water is so effective at buffering lactic and other harmful acids that its called Miracle Water by many of the hundreds of thousands of users in Japan, Korea, China and Russia where it has been in use for over 30 years! Alkaline Ionized Water is so profoundly effective that many users experience noticeable differences after just one 16 oz serving!. Users experience major endurance increase, reduction in joint and muscle soreness, dramatic strength and speed increase, increased flexibility, increased energy levels, increased fat burning and muscle building, plus a host of other health improvements way to long to list.

Here are some personal testimonies of about how alkaline water has helped athletes:

I have worked with hundreds of football, hockey and golf professionals over the past twelve years. Professional athletes excel in their sports because of the physical and mental attributes they have honed over the years. Lack of focus, stress, decrease in energy, muscle tightness are all derived from the same problem lack of proper hydration. Based upon sound clinical research in speeding up recovery from vigorous activities to guarding against disease, drinking alkaline ionized water may be the single most important support your body can receive.
Dr. Preston Wakefield
Active Release Techniques Provider

After a four year layoff from bodybuilding and powerlifting training, I started back to the gym full blast and was amazed at the utter lack of soreness and fatigue during my first three weeks of training. I never experienced anything near to this in my 25 years of weight training and I credit it all to drinking alkaline water.
Ronnie Ruiz
25 Year Power Lifter and Trainer

At, we found that Chanson ionizers had a stellar reputation for safety, quality and price. So last year, we elected to sell these ionizers on our website.

To all friends of reading this, my wish for you is that you will be healthy. And I know of no better way to do this than drink lots and lots of alkaline water.

Mark Axelson

The post How Mark Dropped His Body Fat to 7%: Part II appeared first on HEALTHandMED.