Common Causes of Facial and Oral Pain and How to Treat It
Late last week, we launched the Rezzimax™ Tuner massage tool, which — among other things — helps to cure a wide variety of facial and neck pains.
Facial pain and headache conditions are often quite severe, and cause obvious distress. Causes of facial pain vary, but the following are important to take into consideration:
- Age – Facial pain is usually found in adults, while it’s a rare occurrence in children.
- Gender – Interestingly, according to most health experts, facial pain may be more common in women (or it may just be that it affects men and women equally). In any case, it’s actually more common for women to seek care for facial pain than it is for men.
One of the most common causes of facial and oral pain is dental pain, which can vary from very sharp and severe to dull and throbbing or aching. Pain is often related to eating and drinking hot, cold or sweet things. It can be difficult to locate a particular tooth. and can be made worse when eating or when there is pressure on the teeth; x-rays may be needed to locate the cause.
Sinusitis, an inflammatory disease of the sinus that can refer pain to the upper teeth, will result in short but recurrent dull, constant tooth pain may accompany fever, nasal discharge and tiredness. Teeth and the sinus area are usually tender to the touch. X-rays can be used to detect the inflammation, while antibiotics, decongestants, antihistamines and — in severe cases — surgery are used to treat it.
TMD /TMJ is another common type of pain and affects twice as many women as men. TMD most commonly results in a dull, constant pain in the muscles that open and close the jaw; this pain can be intermittent and very sharp. TMD can occur on both sides of the face, but can also be relegated to just one side. Pain is often centered in front of the ear and spreads up the temple, down the jaw, sometimes behind the ear and into the neck; it can be felt inside the mouth, especially at the back of the mouth.
Pain occurs mainly when the jaw moves, particularly when chewing. TMD is often associated with frequent grinding or clenching of the teeth and jaws, and sometimes there may be clicking of one or both joints — known as disc displacement. If the disc does not move back into the resting position when the mouth is closed, then the jaw can remain open in what is commonly referred to as “lockjaw.”
The new Rezzimax™ Tuner massage tool can be a beacon of pain-free light for those suffering from these painful conditions.
TMJ Massage Tool also is an effective tool to cure different types of muscle pain.