Detox vs Diet-The Ultimate Battle of Weight Loss
Today’s Blog posting is centered around the on-going battle between Detox and Diet. Detox vs Diet-The Ultimate Battle of Weight Loss. With the amount of information each and every person receives on a daily basis due to social media, it is quite hard to determine between fact and fiction. Especially when it comes to health and fitness. On a daily basis we troll social media avenues like Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest to see what will work best for our clients so we can provide the best service possible. During these trolling sessions we run across hundreds and thousands of “do it yourself” bloggers who say they have a great new ways for you to lose weight. Now we hope that our customers are a little too picky about their bodies to take some random bloggers advice as gospel but just to be sure we wanted to write this blog to help you sort through the “fat” no pun intended. To start off lets define the difference between Detox and Diet. “Diet” technically means to restrict oneself to small amounts or special kinds of food in order to lose weight. “Detoxify” is defined as changing eating habits in an attempt to remove toxic substances or qualities. The problem is that many of us think of “detox” as a noun, as in to do “a detox” for a few days here and there. We emphasize a “detox” in the verb form, ie detoxing continually, as we also amass toxins constantly. Diets focus on what you are eating and how much you are eating. Common diet’s out there keep you to a certain allotted amount of calories on a daily basis and filter out common foods like meat’s, bread’s, and sugar’s. The problem we have with this type of diet is that it is not sustainable to most. The average person that loses weight on a calorie limiting diet will bounce back up to their prior weight or more due to the strict limitations of food. “I lost 10 lbs in the last two weeks! I think I deserve a candy bar…or 3.” This type of mentality is the problem with diets, and leads to people trying numerous diets written by numerous people that may or may not have the authority or knowledge to design. Another major problem with calorie allotted dieting is the LACK OF FOOD! You may lose 10-20 lbs but your energy levels are down, your skin and nails weaken, hair begins to fall out, and your overall feeling of wellness is plummeted into a dark abyss of malnutrition. Detoxification on the other hand has numerous benefits if you do it CORRECTLY! Detoxing should be a constant plan in your lifestyle to stay healthy and clean yourself of unwanted toxins in your system. On a constant basis we are absorbing toxins into our body that cause numerous health problems and yet the misconception of a detox being a one time thing still exists. The focus should instead be on creating a proper nutrition plan that will crave all the urges you have for every kind of food, creating stability, and sustainability. Antioxidant-rich, fibrous natural foods in your diet will constantly detoxify your body by removing all of those unwanted toxins and chemicals that do not belong in your body. Detoxification is a natural process that your body is constantly doing, it just needs a little aid from you to help it run smoother and faster. Detoxification done properly will help you naturally lose weight with no malnutrition, and will better your general health and wellness much more than your standard diet. When planning on losing weight or starting a diet or detox, remember think of it in terms of length compared to immediate reward. Detox vs Diet-The Ultimate Battle of Weight Loss, who do you think will prevail?